EAA Sheet Metal Workshop
18 Dec 2010 sportair eaa prep workshop firsts
First weekend of December, I took my first “real” step in starting the build process. While not directly building my airplane, I did get the opportunity to learn how the tools & techniques work for when I start building my aircraft. The EAA, working with Aircraft Spruce, sponsors SportAir workshops teaching different aspects of experimental aircraft, from composites to riveted sheet metal to electrical. I took the basic sheet metal course this time.
After a couple hours of classroom time learning about the tools, rivets, and basic techniques, the class proceeded out to the workshop to start practicing with the real things.
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-PZH7kQh/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Learning project 1 cleco’d together” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-PZH7kQh/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Learning project 1 cleco’d together” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-83ZNPrC/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Dimpling and countersink in progress for flush rivets” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-83ZNPrC/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Dimpling and countersink in progress for flush rivets” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-2CLMwHK/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Ready to Rivet” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-2CLMwHK/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Ready to Rivet” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-xBphcr4/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“All riveted together - couple oops, but not bad” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-xBphcr4/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“All riveted together - couple oops, but not bad” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-FP947Rv/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Universal rivets” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-FP947Rv/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Universal rivets” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-vmXThms/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Flush rivets - some holes were a touch deeper than they should have been” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-vmXThms/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Flush rivets - some holes were a touch deeper than they should have been” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-8n3hfPc/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Forming rib for second project (wing section)” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-8n3hfPc/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Forming rib for second project (wing section)” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-rLHLnjv/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished rib” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-rLHLnjv/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished rib” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-jnTL5gd/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Skeleton assembled” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-jnTL5gd/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Skeleton assembled” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-DJpGH9d/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Skin stiffener” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-DJpGH9d/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Skin stiffener” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-Jng5tGX/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished wing section with control surface” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-Jng5tGX/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished wing section with control surface” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-bwdsVsn/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished project” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-bwdsVsn/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished project” “>
<a href=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-NXCnBsd/0/XXL/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished project” “>
<img src=”https://nitehawk.smugmug.com/i-NXCnBsd/0/Th/img.jpg”
title=”“Finished project” “>
Definitely a weekend well spent. Learned a ton, and have a lot more confidence in getting started with my project!